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A charming reminder for kids that even the worst things don't last forever. 

"Unlike many picture books that seek to comfort young audiences by assuring them that their apprehensions are unfounded, Donnini’s quiet prose shows readers that worry is a feeling as valid as any other . . . the world is an increasingly worrisome place, and books like this one, that offer simple acknowledgement of this fact, are just as essential as those that offer elaborate escape. Timely assurance of the impermanence of life’s difficulties." ―Kirkus Reviews

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The Baby Bookworm 
Lovely. Donnini crafts a beautiful allegory for facing a larger and unknown world - first at the side of a trusted mentor, then on one’s own. Yet instead of treating fear or worry as emotions to be ignored, readers are given tools like mantras and breathing exercises to help manage emotions and work through them. It’s an approach to anxiety that is both affirming and constructive, and becomes a wonderful strategy for kids’ emotional toolkits. Scriven’s gorgeous illustrations compliment this perfectly, never reaching truly terrifying territory yet still expressing honest emotions that young readers can recognize and identify with. The length is perfect for a storytime, and JJ really enjoyed this one, immediately retaining the “Be calm, it will pass” mantra introduced in the story. Overall, this is a fantastic way to explore anxious emotions with children, and we highly recommend it. Baby Bookworm approved!

This Will Pass

Written by J. Donnini and illustrated by Luke Scriven

Crue is a little boy who loves visits from his Great-Uncle Ollie. But when Ollie tells him they will be sailing together to the island of Mashore, Crue starts to worry about what can go wrong. When they face a scary storm, Ollie teaches Crue how he copes with storms and scary situations on the sea with deep breathing and a soothing song. When it is Crue’s time to sail on his own, he uses the tricks he has learned from his uncle. This is a great way to talk to kids about anxiety and facing fears, and the back of the book includes tips for parents to help their kids.

-Babies to Bookworms

What’s lovely about this book is that it doesn’t try to assuage the child’s fears with minimizing the concerns. Uncle Ollie acknowledges the fears, names them, and then gives Crue tools to survive the moment. As the title hints, part of what Uncle Ollie shares with Crue is a mantra: “Be calm, it will pass.” They sing a song about it, and when the next frightening moments occur, they use their mantra and realize that the scary moments, while very real, did pass. Every time. It’s a lesson that Crue can use into the future, even when Uncle Ollie is not there to help him.

The illustrations fantastic; they are simple, colorful, and textured. The colors are warm in good times and take on a darker, harsher tone in the scary times. The storm and pirates and sharks are depicted in age-appropriate scenes, and little Crue is drawn with a wide variety of expressions and moods.

THIS WILL PASS is lovely enough on its own, but it’s also a wonderful reassurance to children who may feel worried or nervous about all that life can throw at them. The end page includes “Tips for Parents” that features a calming breathing exercise and an explanation of how a mantra works. Really great.

- That Unique* Weblog

This Will Pass:
Beautiful, quality Picture Book with an adventure to be had. But more than just an adventure it’s a story of managing your worry & fears & ways to overcome these moments.

“This Will Pass” - love, trust and finding your stride - we all have storms to get through til we find our rainbow & sunlight and achieve our goals. One to read aloud with your child.

Spirit Bunnies from @jdonninibooks 
Reading this book, I did think it could be a little up setting and scary for younger children but @jdonninibooksdid point out to me that this book is for the older children ages 8- 10 years, grades 2-4 and I agree. 
But I did enjoy reading it, I haven’t read it to Miss 6 as I think she would think it’s a little scary.. it’s about a farm cat really just doing his job.. the cat chases, hurts, kills the rabbits because that is the nature of a cat, to hunt and kill on the farm but the rabbits on the farm have had enough and they curse the cat, every time he hurts one or gets a bunny he would turn a bit more hideous and gross. Until one day the cat is lonely and wants to be loved and wonders how to fix this, so off the cat sets to see the bunnies to apologize to them and make friends, and he will stop, so the bunnies lift the curse for the cat and it turns back into a good looking loved cat by all once the bunnies ended the curse, so the cat was happy once again.
Check out our highlights for a look into the book or head over to @jdonninibooks and check it out, Book is also available on our bookshelf. 


Spirit Bunnies by @jdonninibooks published by @mascotbooks is a story that teaches us important life lessons like empathy, forgiveness & kindness. 🐱🐰
Once there was a farm cat who hunted bunnies. The bunnies would then chant to put a spell on the cat. But all the cat really wants is farmer’s love & attention. 🐰🐱
The story is creative & unique. The cat & the bunnies learn to make peace & become friends, portraying that you can look past your differences & see the world from a different angle. I like how the rhymes tell the story & that the animals were able to get along. We are all unique, it makes us beautiful in our own way! Interesting book to explore with your little ones!🐱🐰

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